Virginia “”Ginny”” Gail Oloshove, 79 years, of Erie, MI passed away, Friday, August 31, 2018 in Ebeid Hospice with her loving husband Leonard at her side. The daughter of Hollis and Gail (Morgan) Freeman she was born February 27, 1939 in Logan, OH.
Virginia “”Ginny”” Gail Oloshove, 79 years, of Erie, MI passed away, Friday, August 31, 2018 in Ebeid Hospice with her loving husband Leonard at her side. The daughter of Hollis and Gail (Morgan) Freeman she was born February 27, 1939 in Logan, OH.
Virginia “”Ginny”” Gail Oloshove, 79 years, of Erie, MI passed away, Friday, August 31, 2018 in Ebeid Hospice with her loving husband Leonard at her side. The daughter of Hollis and Gail (Morgan) Freeman she was born February 27, 1939 in Logan, OH.